Thursday, April 30, 2009


Sunday, soon after we arrived home from church, it began to rain. There were all sorts of weather warnings issued, and I am to understand these will persist throughout the season. The rain, accompanied by a great deal of noise, continued on through the night and into the following morning. Already you could see the damage to our muddy lot. These pictures were taken Sunday afternoon. The runoff covered a majority of our cul de sac.


Diana said...

I knew you moved to Kansas but I guess I didn't pay attention to where in KS. My sister Darla lived in Joe City, KS 17 years ago. Probably looks a little different now. We went for a visit when she had J.R.
I will have to see if she keeps in touch with anyone there.

Rae said...

Holy cow.

Meghan White said...

I know how you feel. It has been cloudy and stormy all week here to. It gets a little depressing coming from AZ where there is sun all the time.

Janelle said...

Ooooh, sorry Melissa, that stinks! Believe me, I know. Remember all the problems we had with our lot in Co? I hope it stops raining enough for you to get something done with your yard.