Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's much for off to a good start

Okay, this will be my very first post without a picture...we'll see how that goes. I'm sure most of you have heard that I went from a wonderful school environment with my job, to a different school. They--you know...they--told me that I was changing locations the Wed before break. I was unhappy about the way they approached it from the beginning, but managed to keep a positive outlook by somehow convincing myself this was for the best. HA! If the Lord works in mysterious ways, this is a prime example. I am very unhappy where I am now. I don't know how long I can hold things together. I was doing all right when work was enjoyable, but now...I am so frustrated by the time I get home I can hardly deal with my own children. I fear they will suffer because of this. They already are asked to endure a lot, they shouldn't have to worry about Mommy blowing up if things don't go just so. Right now, my short term goal is to last till Spring Break. I'm currently looking for a new job--so if any of you know something I could do that would work around my kids school calendar, please let me know--but don't know what else to do. My mom and dad would like me to move to ABQ. I'm making a list of demands that I'm hoping will be just too much, but they seem to really want us there. I guess I've reached another crossroads. We'll see how this turns out.


Unknown said...

Good luck with everything. You really are amazing! You are so unselfish always looking out for others! Just do what's best for you and everything will work out. "If Mama ain't happy, then nobody's happy!" Ain't that the truth! Let me know if I can do any thing more to help! You're a great friend!

Blake and Kacie Bennett said...

Hey Melissa, sorry I haven't check in sooner, doesnt sound like things are going to great. I am sorry your new job stinks. You do a better job with your kids than you give yourself credit for. Just think, when your kids are older they will remember how hard you worked for them and all the fun stuff you do with them, they will appreciate and understand all then. Let me know what I can do and call me soon. My cell broke and I lost all my numbers probably a month before I delivered. My ward list is who knows where, so call me PLEASE!