Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Riley!

Here is my wonderful girl in the height of her glory...Riley was lucky enough to cheer at our local HS football game on her birthday. She also got lots of presents, including a table Kade made for her. Cupcakes were even taken to school for her whole class.
We are so happy to have this special princessy girl in our home.
Riley got to open just a few things before school. That way she got to wear new clothes. :)

And yes, the crown was worn to school as well.
As you can see, she made quite a haul. Kade actually arranged her presents on his table so we could see everything.

Riley did a great job cheering. She loved every second of it.


Blake and Kacie Bennett said...

I had to check the cheer pics after we spoke sunday...she is too much. cory needs to bring guns when he comes home!

Diana said...

She looks like the most comfortable one on the field! How cute!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Riley! Those are great pictures. I miss them both in the mornings.