Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer So Far...

We finally got a tree...It is a Japanese Maple. It grows really slow, so we are looking into adding to our tree family.

Kade lost his 8th tooth last night--Cory got to pull his very first tooth! Isn't my boy so cute? Right after these pictures I cut his hair, but you can't really see his hair in these pictures anyway...

These are the first ripe tomatoes of the season! So far we've had four zuchini. :D There are a lot of tomatoes out there. Any suggestions of how to can them? I'm certain to run out of ideas.

Our peppers have blossomed, but we are still waiting for the peppers to arrive.

The okra are coming...the first actual okra is out there. YUM! My favorite is eating them right off the plant!

Cory insists our squash are too close together. I let him know that I didn't plant them that close, they just kinda grew together.

This year the garden is on the small side. But, for all that, it looks pretty good! Next year we'll just have to expand.

Here's a look at our backyard with our new addition--the tree. (Our house is the one on the left.) I took this one from the back corner of our property this morning.


Brooke Kenny said...

Your garden looks nice!

Unknown said...

Love the garden! Your yard looks great!