Of course, we have a pep talk last night before I read to them where I explained how we were taking pictures this morning--for their first day of school. They aren't nearly as excited about pictures as Mom is, but, hey, they are kids... So, we all got up a little early, were ready, and wouldn't you know...the rain still hadn't stopped. Kade even said the thunder is what woke him up--at 7 am, but he thought it was still night because it was so dark. It rained a lot--flash flood, a lot. So, these pathetic pictures are all that is left of Mom's grand plans for a photo shoot this morning. Kade even got a haircut last night. -sigh- Oh well, I'll just have to wait till it clears up and take more. :)

Although you can't really tell--because I just spent the last hour attempting to fix them--it is really dark outside during the pictures. More of a ominous cloud mass looming about threatening to let loose the next on-slaught of precipitation at any moment dark, but still threw the pictures white balance out of whack. So, these were taken with the kids standing out in the misting rain while Mom stood inside the door protecting her precious camera. Maybe we'll do before and after shots... Wait and see...

Happy 1st Day of school to you! Your kids are still adorable!
Too bad about the rain on the first day of school. Kind of crazy especially when trying to take pictures! Your kids are cute!
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