I got to sleep in!!! I look forward to Saturday mornings all week long. My early morning wake up always comes just a little too soon. Quickly I realize that although I managed to sleep in, and it was nice, I am still tired and would like to roll over and go back to sleepy land. Unfortunately, I am also somehow, wide awake. I grudgingly rise hoping my lovely children who were up late the night before are still snoozing and will be pleasant...as I sneak quietly past their rooms to get my drink of water, I realize they are both awake, lying silently in wait for any evidence of my rising. Shortly, they each make an appearance and our day begins.
Someone thought that our truck would fit in the garage. I really thought it was too tall. Someone insisted it wasn't. So, I determined that if it could be done, I would do it. I started my work with the garage. I cleaned, swept, rearranged, threw out, and finally widened what I deemed to be enough space to successfully open the doors and not tag anything. It got hotter, I got more tired, but trudged on all the same, always intent on my goal. At last, time to see if all my hard work would prove useful...
I pulled the truck in...it FIT! I didn't hit the top of the cab like I had feared. I kept creeping forward slower than a snail, certain I would somehow harm the truck. (I stopped and got out no less than three times to see if it was going okay.) Finally...my front tires nudged the step at the front...I parked and looked again...
(See the line on the cement where the door shuts?)
So close, I was heart-broken...
In the end...the truck will have to live outside and learn to like it. There went my morning.